Sunday, December 21, 2008

damn bored- a survey

1 - Are You Single? yeaaa
2 - If not, who is your bf/gf? i don't have any
3 - How Long Have You Been Together? zzz
4 - If You're Single, Do you Like It? kind of hihihi
5 - Do You Have a Crush On Anyone Right Now? yeaaaa MAJOR !
6 - First Kiss AHAHAHAHA
7 - Ever Kiss in the Rain? nope
8 - In a Movie Theater? hahaha guess so
9 - Underwater? whoop kaya film ajee
10 - First Love yess :)
11 - Have you ever Cheated on Anyone? yeaa, and i regret it :(
12 - Been Cheated on? yes !
13 - Used Someone? hmmm hahaha for a particular reason
14 - Been used? yessssss !
15 - Lied to your bf/gf? yeaaa
16 - Ever Made out With Just a Friend? nope laaahhh !
17 - Ever Had Sex With Just a Friend? never hahaha
18 - Are You a Tease? sometimes
19 - Do you Flirt a Lot? not really
20 - Longest Relationship 17, 5 months :'( wish could get back again
21 - Shortest a week hahahaha najesss
22 - Have you Ever Gotten a Poem? yes :)
23 - Ever Get Flowers? yeaaa ahahah
24 - Sweetest Thing You've Ever Gotten too many i can't remember
25 - Do you Like Valentine's Day or Sweetest Day? yes
26 - Do you Believe in Love at First Sight? yeaa
27 - Do you Believe in what ?
28 - Do you Fall in Love Fast? not really
29 - Are you a Player? haha no..
30 - Would you ever Hook Up With Someone of the Same sex? no lahhh i'm not that crazy
31 - Have You ever Kissed 2 People in One Day? no hahaha cuma dia :)
32 - Kissed 2 People At One Time? never !
33 - Had Sex with 2 People in One day? bahhhh !
34 - Had sex with 2+ People at One Time? whatttt ?
35 - Ever cried over someone of the opposite sex? yess haha
36 - Ever Been Dumped? yeaa
37 - Ever dumped someone? yeaaaa and i regret it :(
38 - Ever been rejected? hmm gapernah nembak sih, cuma bertepuk sebelah tangan aja
39 - Do you have a lot of ex's? haha does 7 count ?
40 - Are you a slut? ohh nooo
41 - Ever been called one? pernah ga ya ?
42 - Ever dated someone more than once? yes hahaha
43 - Do you ever make the first move? first move of what nih ?
44 - Double dates or single? hmm double haha seruu
45 - Do you want to get married? yea tapi later yaa



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