Tuesday, December 16, 2008


what a day.. it was such a plain ordinary day because i didn't have anything important to do except that was the last day of semester exam, accounting.

yea it was all that, until something really major happened. i actually kinda got the feeling though, but didn't really think it would. well, it's about "him" finally declared his feelings to that girl and asked her if she wanted to be his girl.

i was surprised, but i guess i was ready enough to face it. by the time that happened, i couldn't do anything much. all i could do was just lay down on my bed, and lean on the pillow, and also huggig my precious bestfriends~apple and lorri.

i suddenly felt like my hopes are vanished..

everything he said about loving me, gone away..

i didn't have the strength to say something, or even to move and press those cellphone buttons to text ica. i felt...crushed, into smaller pieces than before. but i also felt stronger than before, cause the breakage doesn't seem to be too obvious. i've tried to be strong, i didn't even mean to cry. but the tears fallen like crazy river flow on my cheek. my pillow was wet of teardrops.

i know i should've been happy for him. but...i just can't. i've been praying for the whole time since then so i get to get a second chance. a second real chance. a part of me was eager to run for him and hug him and thell him how i want him back so badly. how i'm willing to change everything i did in the past to become a better girl for him.

no, to become the best girl for him.

i promise myself to do that. i even promise to God.

but another part of me thought that may be it would be the best thing for him if he's with that girl. i mean she's smart, she's pretty, she's nice, she's rich, she's such a good friend, and she's just...perfect. she even more perfect for him. i don't think she would hurt him like i did. she would make him a lot more happier. he would get the best of his days with her.

i was pessimistic.

i mean i still am.

she hasn't actually give him the answer yet. but i'm pretty sure that she would approve him. ohh.. i can't imagine how would my facial and expression look like when the time comes. so i guess 'll just have to prepare myself. try to be strong, and try not to cry :)

just for "you" to know. i love you so much. i'll kept my promises. i'll be waiting for you...



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