Thursday, December 25, 2008

Villa Air, Lembang


Vila Air Natural Resort is a stylish natural oasis situated minutes from Bandung, West Java. Rests with a vast peaceful evergreen area in the valley of Mt. Tangkuban Perahu & Mt. Burangrang, it is the ideal retreat from the heat and busy activities of the city, yet it is surprisingly nearby! Each chalet has its own private terrace with panoramic vistas of Mt. Tangkuban Perahu. Get your experience of the perfect blend of modern luxury and traditional Indonesian hospitality in a setting of natural beauty.
  • Three twin bedrooms, one on the first floor and the others on the second floor with private balconies and terraces.
  • A water heater bathroom with unique interior design.
  • A cozy, traditional style living room which supported by a set of traditional games.
  • Swimming pool is open daily from 8:00am to 5:00 pm.
  • Kafe Bunga, a stylish romantic ambience of outdoor dining with its mountain's kitchen, prepares a tempting array of dishes for every taste. Built on a natural setting of landscape, ensuring our guests to feel the touch of nature. The edectic menu offers more than just snacks, as we also prepare a selective of authentic Indonesian, Western and Continental cuisine. An extensive buffet selection offers a stunning choice at breakfast. You can perform with karaoke, live it up with movies or even top 40's music videos on "Layar Tancep".

  • Indoor Sport. A wide range of indoor or outdoor sport and recreational facilities, such as:
    Swimming Pool, Tennis Court, Basketball Court, Mountain Tracking and Horse Riding will offer the best choice of leisure activities.
  • Gift Shop. A wide variety of handicrafts, light snack, mineral water, and your daily basic needs are available at our Gift Shop located on the 1st floor at main building.
  • Kahyangan Coffe Shop. A cozy atmosphere with the view of the beautiful Mount Tangkuban Perahu, Kahyangan Coffee Shop offers snacks and hot & cold beverages. You can also perform with karaoke, watch some movies or music videos.
  • Meeting Room. Our Guest Relation Service will be happy to assist and organize any games or sport you wish to add after working session that will highlight your event. The vast peaceful surrounding and cool climate will provide our guests a comfortable and relaxing environment to do the business as a compliment from nature.

  • Sport Activity. Do you like walking as sport activity? Please, join our tea walk program, it is an activity that will take you through a tea plantation, which is next to Vila Air. Not only walking, you will be able to inhale mountain’s fresh air and to see tea pickers gather tea’s leaves. We will also take you to see a factory, where it process tea’s leaves from the plantation to be tea that we drink everyday.
  • Bandung Shopping Tour. Beside its famous name as flower city, Bandung is also known for its fashions. It is not an unusual thing that Bandung is recognized as a shopping tour city. Enjoy our “Bandung Shopping Tour”, it is a program that will take you shopping around Bandung. This tour will start from factory outlets to Bandung’s specialty gift shops. Other than shopping, you will also be entertained by sightseeing of Bandung’s historical building and its other inheritances. Most of the historical buildings were under Netherlands’s architectural influences, which is Art Deco.
  • Strawberry Plantation. Do you still have some extra time? Come and sign up for this interesting tour! In this tour, we will visit Strawberry plantation and other areas next to Vila Air. When we visit the strawberry plantation, there are also be explanations on how to grow strawberries that might interest you be useful for you. And you can also If you interested in consuming consumed the fruit, line of jams and juices.
    For those who still want to continue the tour, we will take you to Cimahi’s waterfall. It is known for its beauty, which is eighty five meters high. To get to the bottom of the waterfall, we have to go down 500 stairs. Those stairs should be taken to consideration for those who are not in their best physicals situation and still under parents’ supervision.
  • Lembang Tour. First, we will go to a temple that is placed two kilometers away from Vila Air. The uniqueness of this temple is in its architecture. and its area that far from downtown business. You will see a praying place that has a shape like a big ship above the water. Our next destination is a cow farm, where you can see how farmers get milk from cows. In that particular farm, we can purchase cow’s products such as fresh cow milk, yoghurts, or even caramel candies. On the last part before going back to Vila Air, we will visit a fruit market of Lembang.
  • Botanical Tour. This tour is specially designed for people who like plants and flowers. We will take you to flower market and flower cutting in Cihideung. Not only that, we will also go to Orchid Garden of Rizal’s Farm in Lembang, it specialized in growing orchids and cactuses.
  • Horse Riding. Do you like riding a horse? Contact our Front Office a day before the day
    you want to ride the horses. We can provide selected horses the owned by cavalries. You can ride the horse inside Vila Air area. Or if you want more challenging area, you can directly ride the horses in cavalries’ field.
  • Regular Weekend Rp. 1.900.000,- +
  • Regular Weekday Rp. 1.600.000,- +
  • Extra Bed Rp. 150.000,- +
  • All rates inclusive of daily breakfast
  • Max.occupancy per vila 6 adults & 3 children under 6 years old.

Jl. Kolonel Masturi KM. 9
Cisarua - Lembang Bandung
West Java Indonesia

Reservation : +62. 22. 707-70668
+62. 22. 707-02668
+62. 22. 708-30668
+62. 22. 708-40668

Fax : +62 22 278-5255

Email :
Website :

vacation to Bandung-Lembang :)

heyyy this afternoon i just got back from my vacation to Lembang. i stayed in Villa Air, which is located very high above the hills or mountains in Lembang. well it was a very nice place though, but the way i got there, was veryvery exhaustiiinggggg !!


PARAHH! nih yaa, kan pertama nih berangkat dari rumah mau ke Bandung, nah di tol itu tiba-tiba ban mobil gue meledak 1 yang kiri belakang, dimana gue duduk ! langsung deh minggir ganti ban kan. abis itu jalan ehhh, tiba-tiba mesin nya mati sama sekali ! gamau nyala boo ! pas dicek ternyat dinamonya korslet gitu alamakkk.. untung ada patroli lewat, jadi dibantuin tapi gabisa bener, jadi dipanggilin derek dan mobil gue beserta isinya~termasuk gue~diderek sampe suatu bengkel kecil di cikampek. ckckck.

nah berhubung itu bengkel kecil, jadi dinamo yang dicari untung pengganti yang korslet, tidak ada ! jadi mesti nunggu kiriman, dan baru bisa dikirim jam 12 malam ! teng teng teng... jadi kita pesen mobil sewaan aja, katanya adanya APV. terus nyokap gue okein aja kan karena butuh, yang penting muat, dan sudah ditanya keadaan mobilnya gimana kata orangnya bagus kog bu baik, jadi oke deal kan. nahhh.. ditunggu nih mobilnya, dikirain bakal sampe setelah 3 jam tapi ternyata.... jeng jeng jeng ! 6 jam baru dateng tuh mobil ! asal lo tau aja, selama nunggu tuh gue makan 3 kali, terus gue juga tidur di warung makan selama berapa jam gitu ! astaghfirullah bener-bener deh..

abis itu jam setengah 6 kita berangkat dari cikampek ke bandung. tadinya gamau lewat tol, tapi ternyata selama perjalanan, baru diketahui bahwa mobil sewaan kita itu ternyata rada error juga, bukan rada tapi SANGAT ! beuhhh sedangkan jalan yang bukan tol itu kan hutan dan nanjak, bokap gue takut jadi kita puter balik dan lewat tol. itu aja uda makan 1 jam-an gitu. akhirnya lewat tol, dan meluncur ke Grand Lembang, tempat ade gue si Risha nginep. kan niat nya emang buat jemput dya hahhaha

setelah jemput risha, kita langsung menuju Villa Air, tapi ternyata jalanannya nanjaaaaaaaaaaakkkkk, dan mobilnya ga kuat naik ! parah banget sumpah, akhirnya gue, nyokap, bokap, dan risha turun dari mobil. yang di mobil tinggal supirnya, rara, raty, riana. jadi bokap gue tuh ganjel ban mobil pake batu biar kalo turun lagi ketahan mobilnya tapi eh kan nanjak terus jalanannya, jadi supirnya jalan terus ga berenti karena takut turun lagi. alhasil gue berempat jalan kaki, hiking malem-malem di lembang, dingin dan gelap, sejauh 1 kilometer lebih ! mana cuma pake kaos kan gue ga pake jaket, dingin banget. kita berempat pada ngosngosan gitu, yang kasian nyokap gue pake highheels paling belakang jalanna sama risha. mana ya, ada kaya suara serigala gitu ngikutin, dan kanan-kiri gue tuh pohon bambu dan semak-semak, serta tebing ! gue uda merinding banget mana sekilas gue ngliat putih-putih dikanan dan kiri gue sepanjang jalan. gue langsung ngacir ke nyokap gue dsan gue nunduk aja sepanjang jalan !

sampe akhirnya kita sampai juga ke mobil APV bobrok sialan itu ! dan dengan lelah kita duduk didalem mobil dan menuju Villa Air. berhubung jalanan nanjak terus, kita semua pada doa supaya mobilnya ga meluncur kebawah haha gila serem abis sumpah, kapok banget gue ! terus begitu sampai di Villa Air, kita ganti mobil pake mobilnya si villa itu, dan supir mobil bobrok itu dikirim pulang ke jakarta hahahha

malang abis nasib gue malem kemaren. saat-saat kaya gitu yaa.. gue pengen banget meluk "dia", pengen gue lepasin emosi gue. gue kangen banget lagi sama dia, jadi uda ngumpul semua uneg-uneg gue dihati. huhuu. tapi ga kecewa pas liat tempat nginepnya. villa nya bagus banget sumpah ! lo semua mesti liat. tenang aja ntar gue upload fotonya kog okeoke ? tapi nyusul yaa hehehe


well, i stayed there for three days two nights. it was kinda boring cause my days were empty. halahh hahaha but it's true, they were empty. i was missing him very much until it's hard for me to sleep. even when i did sleep, i dreamed about him. and in those 2 nights, they were nightmares. i saw him there with her. it was crushing my heart, i could feel the pain. and when i woke up, my eyes had already wet of tears. i missed him very much. i was afraid that it's gonna be reality. i've been praying so it wouldn't come true..

and in my last day in bandung, he told me that he was in bandung too ! he had just arrived there, i thought like hell yea we were meant to be ! ahahahahahah kidding. but how did it happen ? such an unexpected coincidence, but i like it ! i was just a bit disappointed because we couldn't meet up there. i miss him very much. God, i love him so.......MUCH ! i just wish he feels the same thing, so we can get back together again soon :) Amiiinnnn..

"cuma buat kamu, i love you :'("

tadi gue buka bulletin di fs gue, terus punya ka prilla ada bulletin "facts about true love", sumpah pas gue baca gue nangis.. ini nih isinya :

1. Seseorang yang mencintai kamu, tidak bisa memberikan alasan mengapa, ia mencintaimu. Dia hanya tahu, dimata dia, kamulah satu satunya…

2. Seseorang yang mencintai kamu, sebenarnya selalu membuatmu marah, gila, jengkel, stress. Tapi ia tidak pernah tahu hal bodoh apa yang sudah ia lakukan, karena semua yang ia lakukan adalah untuk kebaikanmu…

3. Seseorang yang mencintai kamu, jarang memujimu, tetapi di dalam hatinya kamu adalah yang terbaik, hanya ia yang tahu…

4. Seseorang yang mencintai kamu, akan marah-marah atau mengeluh jika kamu tidak membalas pesannya atau telp-nya, karena ia peduli dan ia tidak ingin sesuatu terjadi ke kamu...

5. Seseorang yang mencintai kamu, hanya menjatuhkan airmatanya dihadapanmu. Ketika kamu mencoba untuk menghapus air matanya, kamu telah menyentuh hatinya, dimana h
atinya selalu berdegup, berdenyut, bergetar untuk kamu…

6. Seseorang yang mencintai kamu, akan
mengingat setiap kata yg kamu ucapkan, bahkan yang tidak sengaja dan ia akan selalu menggunakan kata2 itu tepat waktunya...

7. Seseorang yang mencintai kamu, tidak akan memberikan janji apapun dengan mudah, karena ia tidak mau mengingkari janjinya. Ia ingin kamu untuk mempercayainya dan ia
ingin memberikan hidup yang paling bahagia dan aman selama-lamanya…

8. Seseorang yang mencintai kamu, mungkin tidak bisa mengingat kejadian atau kesempatan istimewa, seperti perayaan hari ulang tahunmu, tapi ia tahu bahwa s
etiap detik yang ia lalui, ia mencintai kamu, tidak peduli hari apakah hari ini…

9. Seseorang yang mencintai kamu, tidak mau berkata Aku mencintaimu dengan mudah, karena
segalanya yang ia lakukan untuk kamu adalah untuk menunjukkan bahwa ia siap mencintaimu, tetapi hanya ia yg akan mengatakan kata "I LOVE YOU" pada situasi yang spesial, karena ia tidak mau kamu salah mengerti, dia mau kamu mengetahui bahwa ia mencintai dirimu…

10. Seseorang yang benar - benar mencintai kamu, akan merasa bahwa sesuatu harus dikatakan sekali saja, karena
ia berpikir bahwa kamu telah mengerti dirinya. Jika berkata terlalu banyak, ia akan merasa bahwa tidak ada yang akan membuatnya bahagia dan tersenyum…

11. Seseorang yang mencintai kamu, akan pergi ke airport untuk menjemput kamu, dia tidak akan membawa seikat mawar dan memanggilmu sayang seperti yang kamu harapkan. Tetapi, ia akan membawakan kopermu dan
menanyakan : “Mengapa kamu menjadi lebih kurus dalam waktu 2 hari?” Dengan hatinya yang tulus…

12. Seseorang yang mencintai kamu, tidak tahu apakah ia harus menelponmu ketika kamu marah, tetapi ia akan mengirimkan pesan setelah beberapa jam. Jika kamu menanyakan : mengapa ia telat menelepon, ia akan
berkata : Ketika kamu marah, penjelasan dari dirinya semua hanyalah sampah. Tetapi, ketika kamu sudah tenang, penjelasannya baru akan benar - benar bekerja dan berguna...

13. Seseorang yang mencintaimu, akan
selalu menyimpan semua benda - benda yang telah kamu berikan, bahkan kertas kecil bertuliskan 'I LOVE YOU' ada didalam dompetnya...

14. Seseorang yang mencintaimu, jarang mengatakan kata - kata manis. Tapi kamu tahu,
'kecupannya' sudah menyalurkan semua...

15. Seseorang yang mencintai kamu, akan
selalu berusaha membuat mu tersenyum dan tertawa walau terkadang caranya membingungkanmu...

16. Seseorang yang mencintaimu, akan
membalut hatimu yang pernah terluka dan menjaganya dengan setulus hati agar tidak terluka lagi dan ia akan memberikanmu yang terbaik walau harus menyakiti hatinya sendiri…

17. Seseorang yang mencintaimu, akan
rela melepaskanmu pergi bila bersamanya kamu tidak bahagia dan ia akan ikut bahagia walau kamu yang dicintainya bahagia bersama orang lain…

well, terus gue repost dengan judul.. "cuma buat kamu, i love you :'(". yes, cuma buat dia seorang, dia yang gue tunggu sampe dia balik lagi ke pelukan gue..

Monday, December 22, 2008

Don't Ask Why - Vanessa Hudgens

I remember the day I first met you
You really caught my attention
Didn't know I was looking for a rescue
Wasn't thinking that hard
Now and then I was there in the moment
I was ready for nothing
Doesn't mean that I really don't love you
While I'm breaking your heart

Don't ask why
Before we get too close just let me
Say goodbye
It's easier this way
Don't ask why
Before you ask the question and I
Die Inside
Just let me walk away

I feel bad that I let my past hurt you
Cause I really didn't mean to
I was lost, I was lucky you found me
But it only got worse
Right now while you're looking right at me
The emotion's so scary
Doesn't mean that I really don't love you
While I'm making you hurt

Don't ask why
Before we get too close just let me
Say goodbye
It's easier this way
Don't ask why
Before you ask the question and I
Die Inside
Just let me walk away

I know I'll miss you more than ever
I wish there was another way
You see my words can only hurt you
'Till it shows on your face

Don't ask why
Before we get too close just let me
Say goodbye
It's easier this way (it's easier this way)
Don't ask why
Before you ask the question and I
Die Inside
Just let me walk away (just let me walk away)

Don't ask why
Before we get too close just let me
Say goodbye (goodbye)
It's easier this way (It's easier this way)
Don't ask why
Before you ask the question and I
Die Inside
Just let me walk away

*ini lagunya buat yang uda gue sakitin kemaren, cuma karena gue gabisa ambil keputusan yang bener dan gue kira itu yang terbaik buat lo, bikin lo seneng.. ternyata gue cuma bikin lo makin menderita :( maavin gue yaa.. mungkin yang terbaik buat kita adalah ga sama-sama, temenan aja.. maav gue masih sayang "dia" banget..

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Fall 2008 trends

i was just looking around in, and i found this interesting article about fall 2008 trends.. i'd like to share it with all of you guys.. enjoyy :)

This season's runways had more back-and-forth than Nadal and Federer at Wimbledon: the pop flash of heroine chic vs. rustic tweeds, the peplum curve vs. the long and lean, richly detailed bohemia vs. stark minimalism. Here, serves up Fall's top trends.

1. Belle Curves

It's hip to be peplumed this Fall. In reviving this dressmaker's conceit, so popular in the forties, designers shone a spotlight on the waist. Jackets, dresses, and skirts all benefited from t
his soft architecture, which carved natural womanly curves into newly stylish silhouettes at Bottega Veneta, Chanel, Lanvin, Prada, and Yves Saint Laurent.


Burberry Prorsum

Christian Dior

2. Country Life

The fashion flock's native habitat may be city streets, but this season, de
signers have gone mad for plaid and discovered a need for tweed. Dries Van Noten, Karen Walker, Alexander McQueen, and Thakoon all said "Check, please," while Carolina Herrera, Richard Chai, and Michael Kors layered a tactile mix of tweed, velvet, shearling, and fur. Has there ever been a chicer way to ward off a damp chill on the moorlands?

Alexander McQueen

Carolina Herrera

3. The Long View

From mid-calf to floor-grazing, the lean and mean silhouette was among the fr
eshest on the Fall runways. The look was layered—the long paired with the even longer—at Marc Jacobs, Derek Lam, and Erin Fetherston. The long and lean L'Wren Scott, meanwhile, came up with a rail-slim coat that was just made for her elegant six-foot frame. Though sinuously sexy at times, these ensembles are mostly modest�a Fall wardrobe for an ultra-stylish Mormon. Are you listening, Chloë Sevigny?

Carlos Miele
Derek Lam

4. Minimalist Tendency

A less-is-more philosophy is embedded in the DNA of Calvin Klein, Jil Sander, Narciso Rodriguez, and Prada, and all obliged for Fall with beautiful pared-down and precise visions. But
this season, even fanciful types felt the urge to clean house. Stefano Pilati swapped his romantic notions for stark, architectural tailoring at Yves Saint Laurent, while Alber Elbaz spun plain into exquisitely pretty at Lanvin. Fall's new black? Black.

Bottega VenetaDoo.Ri

5. Superhero Worship

At about the same time that the Met will be putting its superhero paraphernalia back in storage, fashion-forward females will be preparing to unleash their new Fall power ensemble
s—a futuristic Balenciaga dress, for instance, or a caped jacket from Rick Owens. Pieces like Haider Ackermann's tough leather jacket or Fendi's funnel-collared furs command confidence and demand a good pair of heels—perhaps not ideal for leaping tall buildings, but then, Superman's already got that part covered.

Antonio Berardi

6. Winter Garden

Having strewn Spring's runways with flowers, designers remained keen on green for Fall. Foliage flourished in print form at Jean Paul Gaultier, and leaves were laser-cut onto jackets at Fendi. Nature-loving designers Dries Van Noten, Erdem, and Gucci's Frida Giannini brightened looks with late blooms, while Burberry and Ralph Lauren used feathers to make their dresses take flight.

Bill Blass ( hey it's Jessica Stam ! hihihi ;p)

Chado Ralph Rucci

well that's all.. cool aren't they ? so take your pick, which one is your favorite ? i like the Superhero Worship, they're cooler and totally stand out and unique ;p

love, fashion freak <3>

looks like my story :(

"I think about you in every moment and every image of you hurts me horribly. I want to feel every thought, every whisper you say in the deep silence of the eternity of you soul. To be able to cry in me, beside you, beside me in you, to be able to understand why our hearts beat, why we live among moments and not among eternities as if it were different.

To be able to understand every smile which breaks in my just like a wave, which finally breaks against the cliff of my eternity through the blood of my ancestors as my misconducts break in your eternity and that of your ancestors.

And they want to tell you how much I love you, how much I adore you in this vain world.
I know we will never be able to look in the eyes, but only in the hearts.
I know they beat against the infinite precisely because they beat even though we both want the infinite and its truth. Any beat opposes the infinite because it measures an infinity, even if it is finite. And then?"

~Sorin Cerin

sad love..

words of love are deep, even if you you don't mean to put on a deep meaning ahahah well here are some of sad love quotes that i like. really, they're very..shaking ahahaha enjoyyy.. :)

" If you love me, let me know. If not, please gently let me go."

"I love you, not for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you."
~Roy Croft

"The hardest thing to do is watch the one you love, love someone else."

"If you love something, let it go. If it comes back to you, its yours forever. If it dosent, then it was never meant to be."

"Don't let someone become your everything, because when they're gone you have nothing."
~Kenya Mitchell

"We were given: Two hands to hold. To legs to walk. Two eyes to see. Two ears to listen. But why only one heart? Because the other was given to someone else. For us to find."

"Love is like a war:Easy to begin Hard to end"
~Ancient Proverbs

"The spaces between your fingers were created so that another's could fill them in."

"Love is much like a wild rose, beautiful and calm, but willing to draw blood in its defense."
~Mark Overby

"I have got a running stream of love you see. So no matter what stages.. they put us through, we'll never be blue."
~Bob Marley

"Do not cry, because we are destiny, because we are everything that can be above this world. And now, the angel of my life, please let me fly so that I can fulfil the vanity of this world, of this dream, of this nightmare that eternally took you from me.
I didn’t thought you will come now at this age and time of this Illusion of Life, but between these bars I tell you how much I love you and do not ever doubt me.
I will be yours in every moment of this life, which I give to you. "
~Sorin Cerin

"It is with true love as it is with ghosts; everyone talks about it, but few have seen it."
~Francois De La Rochefoucauld

"The more I think about it, the more I realize there is nothing more artistic than to love others."
~Vincent Van Gogh

"Just because somebody doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have."

"You say that love is nonsense....I tell you it is no such thing. For weeks and months it is a steady physical pain, an ache about the heart, never leaving one, by night or by day; a long strain on one's nerves like toothache or rheumatism, not intolerable at any one instant, but exhausting by its steady drain on the strength."
~Henry Brooks Adams

" Love is a force more formidable than any other. It is invisible -- it cannot be seen or measured, yet it is powerful enough to transform you in a moment, and offer you more joy than any material possession could."
~Barbara De Angelis

"You can give without loving, but you can never love without giving."
~Robert Louis Balfour Stevenson

A lover, when he is admitted to cards, ought to be solemnly silent, and observe the motions of his mistress. He must laugh when she laughs, sigh when she sighs. In short, he should be the shadow of her mind. A lady, in the presence of her lover, should never want a looking-glass; as a beau, in the presence of his looking-glass, never wants a mistress."
~Henry Fielding

"The value of love will always be stronger than the value of hate.. Any nation or group of nations which employs hatred eventually is torn to pieces by hatred..."
~Franklin D. Roosevelt

"I have felt it and lived it and now it leaves me here, love is the ultimate pain and joy, without it you die with it you perish."
~Christopher S. Drew

well actually there are more, but i cn't put all those quotes from the web in this blog rite ? i'll write down more in my next blogs okay so just wait for another :)

damn bored- a survey

1 - Are You Single? yeaaa
2 - If not, who is your bf/gf? i don't have any
3 - How Long Have You Been Together? zzz
4 - If You're Single, Do you Like It? kind of hihihi
5 - Do You Have a Crush On Anyone Right Now? yeaaaa MAJOR !
6 - First Kiss AHAHAHAHA
7 - Ever Kiss in the Rain? nope
8 - In a Movie Theater? hahaha guess so
9 - Underwater? whoop kaya film ajee
10 - First Love yess :)
11 - Have you ever Cheated on Anyone? yeaa, and i regret it :(
12 - Been Cheated on? yes !
13 - Used Someone? hmmm hahaha for a particular reason
14 - Been used? yessssss !
15 - Lied to your bf/gf? yeaaa
16 - Ever Made out With Just a Friend? nope laaahhh !
17 - Ever Had Sex With Just a Friend? never hahaha
18 - Are You a Tease? sometimes
19 - Do you Flirt a Lot? not really
20 - Longest Relationship 17, 5 months :'( wish could get back again
21 - Shortest a week hahahaha najesss
22 - Have you Ever Gotten a Poem? yes :)
23 - Ever Get Flowers? yeaaa ahahah
24 - Sweetest Thing You've Ever Gotten too many i can't remember
25 - Do you Like Valentine's Day or Sweetest Day? yes
26 - Do you Believe in Love at First Sight? yeaa
27 - Do you Believe in what ?
28 - Do you Fall in Love Fast? not really
29 - Are you a Player? haha no..
30 - Would you ever Hook Up With Someone of the Same sex? no lahhh i'm not that crazy
31 - Have You ever Kissed 2 People in One Day? no hahaha cuma dia :)
32 - Kissed 2 People At One Time? never !
33 - Had Sex with 2 People in One day? bahhhh !
34 - Had sex with 2+ People at One Time? whatttt ?
35 - Ever cried over someone of the opposite sex? yess haha
36 - Ever Been Dumped? yeaa
37 - Ever dumped someone? yeaaaa and i regret it :(
38 - Ever been rejected? hmm gapernah nembak sih, cuma bertepuk sebelah tangan aja
39 - Do you have a lot of ex's? haha does 7 count ?
40 - Are you a slut? ohh nooo
41 - Ever been called one? pernah ga ya ?
42 - Ever dated someone more than once? yes hahaha
43 - Do you ever make the first move? first move of what nih ?
44 - Double dates or single? hmm double haha seruu
45 - Do you want to get married? yea tapi later yaa

Saturday, December 20, 2008

fashion freak ? try polyvore <3

hey hey hey.. gue lagi nempel terus nih di depan monitor dari beberapa hari lalu ahahaha mau tau ga kenapa ? gue lagi keranjingan ini nihh..

(click !)

ahahaha itu adalah situs buat para fashion freaks yang bener-bener cinta fashion, yang suka bereksperimen dan mengekspresikan style dalam fashion. ngga cuma itu, lo juga bisa shopping lewat polyvore, emang sih cukup mahal~banget malah ! tapi ya lo jadi bisa ngebayangin range harga barang yang mau lo beli :) seru banget ! buat lo yang cinta fashion mesti join terus perluas network lo disitu. bakal banyak banget inspirasi buat gaya lo. lo juga bisa berbagi style lo sendiri ke orang-orang, seneng kan kalo orang-orang jadiin style lo favorite ? hihihi

mata gue bener-bener gabisa lepas dari set-set style yang dibikin para member polyvore. yang ngenes nya, bikin mupeng aaaarrrghhhh gue pengen punya barang-barang yang ada di situ ahaha berhubung gue baru join dan masi amatir dalam ber eksperimen, jadi set buatan gue juga baru dikit hehehe nih contohnyaa..

hahaha ga gitu gimana-gimana yaa ? masi normal hehehe tapi lumayan, banyak yg bilang great first set, terus 2 orang favoritin hehehehe ;p and here's another set from me hihihi yang kedua lohh..

segitu aja.. gue cuma mau berbagi kesenangan sama kalian hehehehe tapi beneran haha gue ketagihan ! hahaha

go check it out okay ? enjoyyy.. :D

Yang Terlewatkan - Sheila On 7

dimana kau selama ini
bidadari yang ku nanti
kenapa baru sekarang
kita dipertemukan

sesal kan tiada arti
karna semua tlah terjadi
kini kau tlah menjalani, du du du du du
sisa hidup dengannya

mungkin salahku melewatkanmu
tak mencarimu sepenuh hati
maafkan aku

kesalahanku melewatkanmu
hingga kau kini dengan yang lain
maafkan aku

tak berulang kembali
kau tak akan terlewati
segenap hati ku cari, du du du du du
dimana kau berada

repeat reff

walau ku terlambat
kau tetap yang terhebat
melihatmu, mendengarmu
kau lah yang terhebat

iya, gue nyesek banget dengernya.. gue bener-bener nyesel banget gue uda ngelewatin dia :( sumpah huhuhu :'(

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

i get dumber every day

sighh.. that statement is absolutely true. you people usually get smarter each day, you've learned from your mistakes and figured out what you should do to make it right, and come up with the best result. that was you..

but me ?

what about me ?

i get dumb, dumber, and a lot dumber ! like i don't have a brain to even think what i've done wrong. like i don't have a heart to feel which is suits my feelings the best, and which is best for other people around me. it's like i don't have any will to make an action and fix all those things up.

it may seemed like that though.

but you just don't know HOW MUCH EFFORT THAT I'VE GIVEN..

until i'm giving up. because all those efforts have never brought me any good results, which in several puzzling circumstances i've never get the picture why. and you know, i'm getting tired of all of this.

i'd really like to have a normal happy life just like everyone else got.

but why just can't i ?

do my efforts not enough to finally maintain that goodness ?

that sort of particular reason for me to really put on a real smile. not fake. just like what i've always put on.

you can never imagine what would it be like to be me ? to feel just what i exactly feel ? to know things that i know ?~which i don't really want to know~to go through what i'm going through ? to get things that i always get ? i bet you CAN'T stand. not even a day of my life.
see i've never meant to be spoiled or pant or whine. but every brake has limits. if they've came across, the brake wouldn't be that strong to stop a car drive fast and faster. while the wind was so windy and loosen the balance of the car.

only one sign. HELP. but no one hears it. well maybe they hear it but they just.. don't care. they NEVER really care. they only care about themselves. and of what they wanted. and what they needed. and what they liked.

i'm tired. i can't take it anymore. so.. help :(

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


what a day.. it was such a plain ordinary day because i didn't have anything important to do except that was the last day of semester exam, accounting.

yea it was all that, until something really major happened. i actually kinda got the feeling though, but didn't really think it would. well, it's about "him" finally declared his feelings to that girl and asked her if she wanted to be his girl.

i was surprised, but i guess i was ready enough to face it. by the time that happened, i couldn't do anything much. all i could do was just lay down on my bed, and lean on the pillow, and also huggig my precious bestfriends~apple and lorri.

i suddenly felt like my hopes are vanished..

everything he said about loving me, gone away..

i didn't have the strength to say something, or even to move and press those cellphone buttons to text ica. i felt...crushed, into smaller pieces than before. but i also felt stronger than before, cause the breakage doesn't seem to be too obvious. i've tried to be strong, i didn't even mean to cry. but the tears fallen like crazy river flow on my cheek. my pillow was wet of teardrops.

i know i should've been happy for him. but...i just can't. i've been praying for the whole time since then so i get to get a second chance. a second real chance. a part of me was eager to run for him and hug him and thell him how i want him back so badly. how i'm willing to change everything i did in the past to become a better girl for him.

no, to become the best girl for him.

i promise myself to do that. i even promise to God.

but another part of me thought that may be it would be the best thing for him if he's with that girl. i mean she's smart, she's pretty, she's nice, she's rich, she's such a good friend, and she's just...perfect. she even more perfect for him. i don't think she would hurt him like i did. she would make him a lot more happier. he would get the best of his days with her.

i was pessimistic.

i mean i still am.

she hasn't actually give him the answer yet. but i'm pretty sure that she would approve him. ohh.. i can't imagine how would my facial and expression look like when the time comes. so i guess 'll just have to prepare myself. try to be strong, and try not to cry :)

just for "you" to know. i love you so much. i'll kept my promises. i'll be waiting for you...

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

back to where i (don't) belong..

duhh.. males banget nih gue udah harus balik ke dormitory. sucks, but i want to because i'd like to see "him". i've been missing him, so much that i could cry. which i almost do but i don't. i swear, i really want to stay here at home but i want to see him. i even want to hug him. i'm afraid if i go back there, i can't take what's really happening there, can't stand the reality that's in there. i wish God would give me a piece of His strength for me, to face everything that happens there. there is the real world, and i'm only a small part of it..

bye, see you guys next time :)

Monday, December 1, 2008

Jessica Stam = my icon

here's the biography of my favorite supermodel, and i wanna be just like her.. you might as well like her too ! ahahaha she's gorgeous, unique, and talented.. and she's tall too haha

interested in her ? click here

First Name: Jessica
Last Name:
Hair Color:
Eye Color:
Date of Birth:
April 23 - 1986
Place of Birth:
Kincardine, Ontario, Canada
5'10" ; 178cm
(US) 34-24-34 ; (EU) 86.5-61-86.5
Dress Size:
(US) 4 ; (EU) 34
Shoe Size:
(US) 9 ; (EU) 41



International Model Management' "Michele Miller".

Magazine Covers:
Canada: 'Toronto Fashion' - March 2004
France: 'Numéro' - August 2004
Italy: 'Vogue' - September & November 2003;
'Vogue' - July & August 2004; 'Vogue Supplement' - September 2004
Japan: 'Vogue' - November 2004, May 2006
UK: 'Vogue' - August 2006
US: 'i-D' - September 2004
- Michele Miller, an agent at "International Model Management"
Agency in Canada, found Jessica in a local coffee shop.
Michele Miller named her daughter Summer Jessica.
Michele is Great Person . Ciao Michele by Roby.

Jessica has a chinese words tattoo on her foot.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

don't leave - vanessa hudgens

I don't know what I'd do if i ever lost you
All the loneliness i would go through
But if you wanna leave i won't stop you

I've been gone so long,
I'm use to feeling alone
I estimated a love
My estimation was wrong
See i never knew
What you were going through
But i just got back
Now let's see where your at

How could you have doubted
That I'd ever be distracted by
Any other guy
No matter if he ever caught my eyes
We just need time, some time to connect
What I'm telling you now, hope you never forget

I don't know what I'd do if I ever lost you
And all the loneliness I would go through
But if you wanna leave I wont stop you
'Cause I don't want you if you don't want me
To be the one the only one you wanna run to
Baby boy you know I just begun to
Realize whats important to me
So Don't leave, don't leave

Maybe I should have tried to put your needs first
But my priorities were messed up
And I know you got hurt
See i never knew
What you were going through
But i just got back
Now let's see where your at

Think about it
Take a moment just to rewind
Everything that you believe
And everything that was right
Do you really want to stand there
And tell me goodbye
When I'm saying I Still love you

I don't know what I'd do if I ever lost you
And all the loneliness I would go through
But if you wanna leave I wont stop you
'Cause I don't want you if you don't want me
To be the one the only one you wanna run to
Baby boy you know I just begun to
Realize whats important to me
So Don't leave, don't leave

Lonely days and lonely night
That's where you'd be without me by your side
Better think twice baby, oh
This could blow up crazy, you know

I can't keep singing my secret
Cause it's out of control
I'll give you everything
Body, mind, heart and soul
But you keep breaking me
Taking me to another low
Don't do it baby, don't do it
Don't let me go
I don't know, I don't know

I don't know what I'd do if I ever lost you
And all the loneliness I would go through
But if you wanna leave I wont stop you
'Cause I don't want you if you don't want me
To be the one the only one you wanna run to
Baby boy you know I just begun to
Realize whats important to me
So Don't leave, don't leave

Baby boy don't leave

** here's to you, boy.. i still do love you :'( seriously..

i'm bored

nihh gini nih gaenaknya sakit dirumah, i'm damn bored guys huaaaa pengen jalan-jalan but my head is spinning duhh ! and by the way since i don't know what to do now, i'd probably just watch tv, which i don't usually do much haha cuma mau ngasih tau aja, my nose is still in a bad condition, hard for me to breathe buaaahhh. why don't anyone come here and get me something i like ? haha to cheer me up you know, males deh ih uda dulu yeaa ? au revoir.. :)

one year six months - Yellowcard

,Sew this up with threads of reason and regret
So I will not forget. I will not forget
How this felt one year six months ago
I know I cannot forget. I cannot forget

I'm falling into memories of you and things we used to do
Follow me there
A beautiful somewhere
A place that I can share with you

I can tell that you don't know me anymore
It's easy to forget, sometimes we just forget
And being on this road is anything but sure
Maybe we'll forget, I hope we don't forget

I'm falling into memories of you and things we used to do
Follow me there
A beautiful somewhere
A place that I can share with you

So many nights, legs tangled tight
Wrap me up in a dream with you
Close up these eyes, try not to cry
All that I've got to pull me through is memories of you
Memories of you
Memories of you
Memories of you

I'm falling into memories of you and things we used to do
Follow me there
A beautiful somewhere
A place that we can share
Falling into memories of you and things we used to do

i swear this song fit in banget sama keadaan gue dan "dia" ! beuhhhh nyesek sekaligus pengen ketawa dengernya juga hehehe i dedicated this song for you.. :)

flu beraaattt

30 nov 08
haduhh gue flu berat nih huhu gaenak banget deh sumpah ! udah 2 hari ini gue gabisa nyium bau disekitar gue gara-gara idung gue mampetnya bener-bener mampet hahahaha, uda gitu suara gue kaya orang bengep, bindeng gitu. malah sempet kaya bapak-bapak ihh amit dehh, soalnya gue radang juga tapi uda mendingan. flu nya ini ga nahan, kuping gue ampe pengeng banget terus kepala pusing keleyengan. alhasil karena gue sakit begini jadi ngga balik ke dorm deh hahahaha aseeeeeeeeeekkk, males banget gue sumpah lagi males bgt sama suasana di dorm. gue mungkin meliburkan diri 2 hari dirumah hehe refreshing gitu, abis butek di asrama kebanyakan problem, mending makan dirumah. tapi gue kangen temen-temen dan hahahahaha

oiya tadi soang menuju sore gitu "dia" nelvon lohh ahahaha senangnyaaa udah lama ga di telvon dia, kangen banget denger suaranya, kangen banget ngobrol sama dia. tapi jadi agak garing gitu tadi, mungkin karena udah lama ngga ngobrol kali ya ? ahahaha tapi tetep aja gue seneng :)

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