waaaaaaaa gila ! gue di BTA uda 3 kali tryout tapi hasilnya butek-butek semuaa ! none of them bagus you know ! nih ya gue kasi tau berapa... :
emang sih makin lama makin meningkat tapi dikit - dikit banget and waaaaayyyyy far from what should and expected to get ! kan gue punya target passing grade buat jurusan yang mau gue ambil entar kuliah, those tryouts are the reflection of my spmb result kan ? nentuin gue dapet perguruan tinggi negri ato engga.. aduhh scaryyy abiss ! amin gue dapet tapi gue pengen masuk UI ! hahahaha
- Tryout 1 = 22%
- Tryout 2 = 26%
- Tryout 3 = 29%
emang sih makin lama makin meningkat tapi dikit - dikit banget and waaaaayyyyy far from what should and expected to get ! kan gue punya target passing grade buat jurusan yang mau gue ambil entar kuliah, those tryouts are the reflection of my spmb result kan ? nentuin gue dapet perguruan tinggi negri ato engga.. aduhh scaryyy abiss ! amin gue dapet tapi gue pengen masuk UI ! hahahaha
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