hello guys, this time i'd like to introduce you one of the people that i love most ! she is my twin swister Monica Noeva Tandung, you can call her ica.. but i have lots of nicknames for her haha like ica, deca, baby deca, baby babi, baby princess hihihi do you know why i call her my twin sister ? we're not actually real twins though, but our birth date and place are the same ! November 9th 1992, Rumah Sakit Ibu dan Anak Eva Sari - Rawamangun, and even the time is almost the same like about 8 o'clock in the morning lahh hahaha i swear i'm not lying to you, it might be quite hard to believe because mostly people that have the same birthday only have the same birthdate haha. and what's more insane, we always have the same experience in life (well mostly lah haha). she's such a fun girl, you'd love to be her friend. she laughs very much just like me hahahaha :DD
we almost do everything together. we have fun
together. we pissed off together. we get mad together. we're sad together. we're happy together. we're crazy together.
i love her so very damn much, she's like my own twins not just a friend, not just a best friend ! i talk everything with her, i tell her everything, and so does she. and everytime i want to cry, she's the right place to lean on, and if i'm sad and she would cry too and then she'd hug me.. it's like she feels what i'm feeling. and if someone hurts me, she'll get mad and she'll protect me. i always do the same thing for her too though. she means a lot to me :)
i love you baby decaaaaa muaaaaaahhh !
we almost do everything together. we have fun

i love her so very damn much, she's like my own twins not just a friend, not just a best friend ! i talk everything with her, i tell her everything, and so does she. and everytime i want to cry, she's the right place to lean on, and if i'm sad and she would cry too and then she'd hug me.. it's like she feels what i'm feeling. and if someone hurts me, she'll get mad and she'll protect me. i always do the same thing for her too though. she means a lot to me :)
i love you baby decaaaaa muaaaaaahhh !
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