Wednesday, October 1, 2008

my very first blog hihihi ;p

Hello everyone ! :)

This is my very first blog. I'm writing in English and maybe sometime Indo, so I'm sorry if my English is horrible because I'm not a native speaker hehe. Actually I've created this account since 4 months ago, but I've left it empty because I was kinda super duper busy those months hehehe. Seriously, I'm not lying I was BUSY ! ahahahaha

Well, I was busy practicing the extraordinary "Colossal Dance of Hamparan Nusantara" (there are Dayak, Betawi, Celebes, and Minang dance), because my school (read: President Senior High School) was chosen to perform in the state palace for our country's 63rd independence day. The practice itself took about 5 months of practicing like day and night. That was one of the most exhausting terms in my life hahahh. Of course not in full 5 months everyday and night, but we also had time to rest our body and relax fiuuhhh :) Our feelings were mixed up that time. Anxious, excited, worried, tired, lousy, passionate, and cheerful all at once ! Because we had to get through a series of selection process, because to perform in the state palace takes a lot of requirements and qualification. We were in a huge competition with other representatives from all over Indonesia's part, and most of them were from dancing schools and clubs, and their ability were waaayyyyyy far from us ! that was very scary knowing that maybe we wouldn't be performing if we didn't pass the selection. But hell yeaaaa ! God really gave us His miracle, we were chosen :) And that was a huge responsibility and took a huge concequences hufhhh :o

Even though it was a hard thing to do, but we managed to do it ! Our improvement of skills are fantastic ! And the result, wasn't disappointing.. it was AMAZING ! We were sooooo happy to know that WE DID IT YEAAA ! ;DD

Well, maybe enough for a first blog rite ? hihi Before this turns to be a borrrriiiing blog so I guess that's all about it hehehe. Maybe you'd like to see some pictures of the colossal dance which I was talking about ? I put some of them below because there are to many photos to be displayed ahahaha You'd be amazed if see it directly actualy, well maybe later I'll post some of the videos to my youtube so you can check it out hihihi ;p

*the betawi girls and umbul-umbul boys hehe (i'm one of the hihihi ;p), and also ka frans (betawi coach) and ka eddy (umbul2 coach):

*the dayak girls and ka thobby the greatesttttt ! :

*the betawi girls and ka ctarr (toya coach) :

*me, ka frans muahh, ingrid - BEFORE THE PERFORMANCE ! aaaaaaa :

well, there are more hihihi :)) see ya !



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