Thursday, October 9, 2008

it's a boy(friend) thing !

yeaahh today is ovie's birthday, but today is also my 1st month anniversary with my bf~ Omar Muhammad Sahar hihihi. I call him omar, ramo, big ramo, or ayang hehehe. A month feels like a long time because after a week we're in the relationship, he had to go back to Makassar-his home town for the long boring sucks holiday huhuu. I miss him so very damn much ! I haven't seen him in three weeks until now, oh God.. We don't texting a lot (almost not), but every night we're always on phone calls until 2 or 3 in the morning ahahahaha ! I know it's not good to stay up that late every night, but so what ? i miss my bf so much ;p

Well, maybe you'd like to know a little about how did we get together hehehe. He's actually my junior at school, but he's about 4 months older than me hahaha because I was in the acceleration program back when I was in junior high. He's very well-known among his batch haha, because he got into trouble quite a lot at school haha and I was one of the senior that would love to punish him whenever he do something wrong haha ! But his gang and I quite close, we often shared stories together, including how he was chasing a girl in my school and he kinda needed my help, so we talked a lot, and I already had a boyfriend back then. But at the end of grade 11, I broke up with my bf and before there was a rumor about omar likes me, but i ignored the rumor because i thought it was impossible.

But the rumor was right ! He did like me i guess ahaha because he started to text me, and give things to me (which i never asked). And all his friends were like giving signs to me, or ask me how about him, and so on. At first I took him as a brother, because I didn't intend to have a boyfriend, i'd like to be single. But after about 2 or 3 months of being close with, I started to have a strange feeling that maybe we can call it "crush" ahahaha ! And after 4 months, he "shot" me you know, but I wasn't sure about his feeling and MY FEELING too ! I didn't think I have the "love" for him, even though my friends said yes i already have it but I was not sure about it, so I gave a rejection. He was disappointed and sad I guess, because after that he became very quiet for about 3 days and he didn't even talk to me.I felt like i was losing him, but then he said he needed one more chance, he loves me ohhhh ahahahaha :p. So I gave him the "one more chance", and about a month after it happened the same thing ! 090908, at 09.09pm he did "a shot" again ! I was very shocked ! Because we were only chatting just like what we usually do, I could barely talk or say anything hahahha then i gave an answer, and it was a YES... :)

I guess that's all okay ? ahaha I'll talk about him again later okay hehe just pray for us, so this relationship will work out nicely, and we're happy together.. :D thanks everyone !



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