Saturday, May 2, 2009

school's cool ?

Hey i'ts been so long ya gue ga cerita tentang sekolah dan kabar tryout-tryout gue yang indah hasilnay itu hahahahha. well now i've passed those stressful days about school. Final exams and SIMAK UI, Prasetiya Mulya Scholarship Selection, and other stuff haha. Gue tinggal ngadepin ujian sekolah aja senin besok sampe kamis, abis itu ngurusin buku tahunan yang belom kelar abis itu LIBUUUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRR sebulan lebih booo ! hahaha how cool is that ? waaaaayy cool ! haahahahaha finally i'll get this all done and soon will be starting new days hahaha

yep the final exams were in April 20th until April 24th. and it was quite hard loh, i mean the questions (and the answers, duh ? ) hahaa but i'm pretty much sure it all nothing but good hihi ;). i did study, well not alot but i did haha hmm let's just pray for good results okay ?


and about university. i got in to couple of universities like :

  1. Swiss German University - International Business and Language
  2. Prasetiya Mulya Bisnis School - S1 Bisnis Scholarship :)
  3. President University - International Business Scholarship.
  4. University of Indonesia - Administrasi Niaga (AAAAAAAAAAA Gilaaaa !!!!!!!!)
those are rocking ! i'm very happy and i'm glad that i don't have to worry about universities anymore ! hahahahaha (hell yeah i'm worrying about other stuff though). i'd definitely take Universitas Indonesia ! and yesterday i went to Depok to look for a place to stay with ka denita :). i'll be in a same room with her actually, that will be awesome hihi. so after i graduated from high school, i'll be anak UI hhaha. oh i can't wait for college huaahh. ;p

but but but, i'm worrying about radhi nih ! dia belom pasti kuliah dimana huhu, and today he'is doing the entrance test to UI Inter lohh (oh how i wish i can be there for him, because he's alone tapi gabisa). tadi pagi-pagi jam setengah 8 gitu dia nelvon gue, padahal gue lagi tidur. he said he was bored, he arrived there to early hahaha pray for him ya guys, wish he can get into UI juga so he can be close to me hehehe. abis kalau ga dapet UI, terus keterim di ITB ato unpad he'll be in Bandung huhuhu, so i won't be able too see him a lot, jangan dong please huhuhu UI aja radhi Ya Allah..


Daydeh said...


Zutonk said...

parah lu,,, gak doain radhi msk ITB... hahahahaha


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